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What policies will you propose to address the opioid crisis without eliminating pain management options for those who live with chronic pain?

I suffer from Chronic Pain so I totally understand. So, I would leguslate against the prescription options being included in their so called new laws to fight opioid crisis

Would your proposed policies account for the needs of some individuals to utilize both medical marijuana and pain medication in different facets of their treatment? If so, how?

Yes I would. I think it's important for the impacted person to have autonomy of theor healtcare management. This way they can decide which will work best for them.

What changes will you make to ensure that people who require pain management services can access and receive services that center their individualized needs?

These changes come from a group of people in Tallhassee. So, I think endeavoring to convince and educate others about the importance of pain management care. Also, to challenge current legislation around Healthcare and insurance practices that are neglectful, especially to working and poor people.

Do you plan to address the disparity in equitable pain management treatment experienced by those in the Black, Indigenous and People of Color or multiply marginalized communities? If so, how?

Absolutely. I think elaborating on the direction in the previous question/discussion. Revealing to lawmakers the inequities and holding them accountable. Next, create legislation that proactively centers this issue. I also believe that there should be funding for BIPOC communities to have space and treatment facilities that are nontraditional.

What policies would you implement to ensure people with disabilities receive comprehensive, high quality, and equitable mental health services and insurance coverage?

I think the starting place should be to find ways to obtain the funding for Healthcare in Florida that was stripped away under Rick Scott.

Share your thoughts on co-responder programs (mental health & law enforcement joint response to mental health crises).

To add law enforcement to the response to someone having mental crisis is often problematic. It only criminalizes the person. However, due to the lack of financial MH infrastructure, workers don't have any choice. There needs to be more support of therapists and direct care staff. And again, Florida needs to desperately restore its funding for mental health.

How would you work to eliminate the disproportionate connection between being disabled and becoming entangled in the criminal justice system as opposed to being given necessary and equitable mental health treatment?

Education would hopefully be the starting point. Restructuring how patients are viewed. It shouldn't be a criminal act foe having a meltdown! So, work towards eliminating the policing complex from medical/mental health care.

In your opinion, what can be done to identify and mitigate disability bias in the treatment of mental health? How would you work to address this?

Show the bias. I would work and listen to those who are experiencing and allow them to direct me towards their needs. Too often people write legislation from what they think vs what is known.

What policies would you propose to encourage public investment in improving accessibility and implementing universal design?

The argument above is laid out. So, I think writing to push back on lethargic policies that have been in place forever. Challenge current lawmakers to collectively to just correct those old laws.

What policies or incentives will you promote to encourage private business owners to make their buildings accessible?

Provide grants to assist with necessary changes needed to make them compliant.

How can housing data be utilized to better account for the needs of people with disabilities and to promote increasingly accessible living spaces?

It would hopefully give clarity to the exact issues .

What policies would you implement to provide people with disabilities with equitable access to upward economic opportunity?

Push back on rules that prevent those that are disabled from being in fear from losing their SSDI income if they are endeavoring to live free from poverty.

What changes to the current social safety net would you propose to implement a more all-encompassing framework that allows people with disabilities to receive needed services that are not currently covered by private or employer-based insurance, such as personal care and other uncovered assistance they may require, while not limiting the ability to pursue economic opportunity? If so, how?

I think it would be important hear from those in this community what their barriers are. From there, develop a collective plan to create policy.

How would you work to promote and incentivize equal opportunity for those with disabilities in employment?

Simply do just that: promote equitable opportunity for those w disabilities! Where there isn't equity...make it equitable.

How would you propose to address the barriers that unequitable access to transportation create to economic opportunity for those with disabilities?

Infrastructure adjustment.

What policies will you propose to better protect the rights of parents with disabilities and to ensure they have needed supports?

I would initiate bills to first educate on the impact this stigma has. Then, create policies financially support the parent that's being neglected. Whatever is needed to assist the disabled patent to care for their child . Support should be available

Research shows that removing a child from their parents should only be used as a last resort. How might you work to ensure this standard is adhered to equally when parents with disabilities are involved and adaptation isn’t conflated with neglect or abuse?

Decriminalize being disabled.

What policies would you propose to further address bias against parents with disabilities among child protection workers?

Again, push back on archaic policies that have and are allowing this to happen.

When support is needed to guarantee that individuals with disabilities can exercise their parental rights, how will your policies ensure such supports are easily accessible to the family?

I'd have to learn how to make that happen and I would!

What policies do you propose to protect the reproductive rights of people with disabilities?

Thus a great question because black women with and without a disability have been victims of the Frankenstein system. So, I think creating policies that protect the idea of body sovereignty. These policies would need to be placed in a package because these issues are multilayered.